Product category


Logiroad Center


You can view the damage and grading of your road network, view 360-degree images and access our personalised roadwork recommendations.

Presentation of the Road range on desktop
Presentation of the Dashboard Road

Prioritise your work over 6 years

Logiroad is the only service provider to offer fully personalised multi-year maintenance recommendations based on over 28 years of R&D.
Based on a proven scientific model, they take into account simulations of the ageing of your road assets and the effects of maintenance work.

  • Optimise your budget
  • Extend the life of your roads
  • Improve the safety of your users

Find out how we build your multi-year maintenance strategy!

Presentation of the road range

Play your part in decarbonisation

A well-maintained road can reduce CO2 emissions by 10% of the vehicles emissions from the vehicles that use it.

  • Take action to reduce traffic emissions
  • Limit the need for heavy maintenance by acting proactively at the first sign of symptoms
  • Reduce congestion and detours

How is preventive maintenance helping to decarbonise your region?


notation routes

Inventory of damage and grading of your roads

Get an interactive map showing the entire condition of your network, with an inventory of the 21 types of damage and a 7-level grading of the condition of the surface and structure of your roads. The inventory and grades can be viewed for the current year, past years and future years, on an overall view of the network or in detail by segment (in 50m or 200m steps).

évolution état route

Predicting the condition of your roads

With a patented technology combining multifactorial mathematical models and the modelling of laws of ageing and laws of effect we can project the condition of your roads for a whole mandate. This simulation of the ageing of your road infrastructure applies to your entire region as well as to each section of road.

4 meetings a year

préconisation travaux route

Multi-year recommendations for works programmes

Logiroad can offer you preventive maintenance plans and support with our experts, from signature to equipment return and for the duration of the contract. Work recommendations can be viewed by type or technique, with the associated quantity and cost.  

Note patrimoine routier

Update on work carried out

Indicate with a single click that a repair has been carried out to boost the grade of your segments and your network. The work is recorded in a complete, filtrable history giving you a detailed view of the maintenance carried out.

dashboard suivi travaux route

Budget and works monitoring

View the progress of recommended work by quarter in line with your budget consumption. You can also find the past years’ budget (used), for the current year and for future years.

The production stages

Préparation du référentiel

Preparing the reference system

Creation of the road network vector layer

collecte données routes
Collecte des données

Data collection

Route scanning with GPS recording

Audit route
Analysé des données

Analysed data

Inventory of damage based on video interpretation

Budget entretien route


Calculating maintenance plans and budgets

Livraison finale

Final delivery

Presentation of results and geographical database: diagnosis, maintenance work and costs

Complementary solutions for your road assets

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