Product category


Logiroad Center


Get a complete inventory of your road signage, road markings and street furniture, with condition grading on an easy-to-use online map.

Presentation of City range on desktop
Inventory of signs city

Prioritise your maintenance with an up-to-date inventory

Opt for a signage inventory that is updated daily to better manage your stocks and easily identify priorities.

The City module lets you know at any time what street furniture you have under management, including its condition and exact location. Attached to the field reports module, it enables you to take rapid action on your assets.

  • Changes in the condition of your street furniture
  • Reporting alerts
Presentation of signs in city range

Update your road sign inventory yourself

Easily and quickly edit your signage assets:

  • Modify the geolocation and characteristics of your signs
  • Add or remove a road sign (including supplementary panels)
  • Add tags and filter based on assigned criteria


notation routes

Inventory and rating of your signage

Get an interactive map mapping of your entire road network, with detection of your vertical signs, road markings and your infrastructure. Street furniture spread over 3 condition levels. 

préconisation travaux route

Multi-year maintenance plan

Logiroad can offer you maintenance plans and support support from our experts for the duration of the contract.

4 meetings a year

Note patrimoine routier

Update of maintenance conducted

Indicate with a single click that a repair has been carried out to update the condition of your street furniture.

Les étapes de production

Préparation du référentiel

Préparation du référentiel

Création de la couche vectorielle du réseau routier

collecte données routes
Collecte des données

Collecte des données

Scan des routes avec enregistrement GPS

Audit route
Analysé des données

Analysé des données

Inventaire des panneaux, mobiliers urbains et de leurs états


Livraison finale

Présentation des résultats et base de données géographiques : diagnostic, travaux d’entretien et coûts

Complementary solutions for your road assets

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