Home Unibox
The unibox is a low-cost, easy-to-use system for measuring longitudinal profiles in the wavelength band [0.7m; 45m], the interval corresponding to uni for road pavement.
Measure the longitudinal profile yourself (UNI)
This tool is essential for your roadworks, to effectively manage the cost of building or renovating a road in addition to the reference equipment (APL).
This device has been designed to provide an auscultation tool suitable for:
- Verification of the longitudinal profile of the various intermediate layers making up the pavement: self-checking by the contractors. This control reduces the final costs that could be incurred if damage goes undetected on delivery of the worksite.
- Monitoring the road network (motorway, secondary network, dedicated platform: bus lane, airport).

The Unibox is controlled by software installed on a PC, which can also be used to calculate, display and analyse the profile of the infrastructure in situ, as well as the associated indicators (uni scores per waveband, DSP representation). Depending on the construction site, you can use predefined grading thresholds. This way, you can directly visualize the quality of the measured road on the graphs of grades. The vehicle fitted with the Unibox can take measurements at speeds of between 30km/h and 130km/h.

Unibox is a certified appliance :

Contents of the Unibox
- Capture unit and webcam to be installed inside the vehicle.
- GPS and sensor box (laser + accelerometer) to be installed on the vehicle
Logiroad offers removable mounting systems that can be adapted to all types of vehicle. Logiroad can supports your team in installing and using the Unibox.

« Logiroad’s UniBox is a high-performance tool that is well-suited to our inspection methods, particularly for checking the evenness of sub-base courses before the wearing courses are laid. »
Director of Innovation, CHARIER