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PARMA INGENIERÍA shares our focus on the sustainability and decarbonisation of road assets.
Parma Ingenieria

PARMA INGENIERÍA, founded in 2008, is LOGIROAD's partner

Geographic scope: Exclusive partner in Spain

Since its creation in 2008, PARMA INGENIERÍA has established itself as a leader in the field of durable surfacings for road works. 

With more than 15 years’ experience and an international presence, PARMA INGENIERÍA brings to all its work a technical team and resources capable of designing and developing the most effective and innovative solutions, with people’s mobility, safety and comfort in mind, always with sustainability in mind.

Parma Ingenieria and Logiroad

Nicolas Violle, CEO of LOGIROAD with Anna Paris, CEO of PARMA INGENIERIA and Juan José Potti, President of ASEFMA and Executive Secretary of the XXII CILA (XXII CILA exhibition, April 2024).